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Re: requirements for xfsm-shutdown-helper

Peter Crawford wrote:

A year or two back in Etch, xfsm-shutdown-helper with the appropriate entry in /etc/sudoers, allowed "Log Out", "Restart" and "Shut Down". Now in Lenny, this message is on the console after Log Out. ** Message: xfsm-shutdown-helper.c:215: Hal not available or does not permit to shutdown/reboot the computer, trying sudo fallback instead.

What should be changed to allow xfsm-shutdown-helper to work fully? Should there be a file /etc/hal.conf or /etc/hal/hal.conf? Are udev rules needed?

  Have you read '/usr/share/doc/xfce4-session/README.Debian'?

=== QUOTE ===
Managing shutdown

There are three ways to enable user to shutdown the computer from Xfce:

 - use sudo, and allow user to run /usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper in
 - use dbus and hal
   - hal and dbus should be installed, up and running
   - user should be in powerdev group
 - use policykit and a compatible login manager (gdm is known to work)
=== END QUOTE ===

Personally, I switched to the hal/dbus method after having used the 'sudo' method for a while. Both worked fine, but I decided that adding myself to the "powerdev" group made more sense to me than needing to grant myself root permissions just to power off. Opinions will vary, of course -- the rest of the Linux world seems to be much less suspicious of things like 'su' and 'sudo' than myself.

Dave W.

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