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Re: resize vncviewer window

Tim Frink wrote:
> I'd like to use the vncserver session on two different machines
> with different display resolutions. So, I've started vncserver
> on a machine with 1024x768 and got could get the correctly scaled
> desktop via vncviewer. 
> When I restore the session wit vncviewer on another machine with 
> 1280x1024, I don't get the full screen but the window remains
> in 1024x786. Is there any way to resize it to get the larger solution
> and switch back the window size when working again on the 1024x768-machine?

The VNC server, when started, will be configured at a certain
resolution.  In your case, you're initially starting it with a geometry
of 1024x768.  You then close the window, go to another desktop and
re-open the same VNC server session which is still set at the same
resolution.  It's the VNC server that is set at said resolution and the
resolution set on the remote PCs you're connecting from has no effect on
that.  You're stuck with running at that resolution for that VNC server
instance.  Your options are to stick with what you have or swap it
around (e.g. start the VNC servcer with a 1280x1024 resolution and, when
running it on the PC with 1024x768, you'll need to pan/scroll your
desktop to see what you want).

Another option is to start multiple VNC servers set with the geometry
you like, but this kind of defeats the purpose of VNC which allows you
to reconnect to a session that has certain processes running on the desktop.

- Ken

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