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Re: Read-only USB scan

On 12/21/08 05:01, Bhasker C V wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote:
<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">(Please don't top-post.)

On 12/20/08 18:18, Bhasker C V wrote:

 hdparm -r1 /dev/sda
works and I get this output when I read back the information with plain '-r'

  $ sudo hdparm -r /dev/sda

 readonly     =  1 (on)

Does this make it really read-only ?

That's what happens on my Firewire/SATA hard drive.

# hdparm -r1 /dev/sdc1

 setting readonly to 1 (on)
 readonly      =  1 (on)

# mount -v /data/02
mount: block device /dev/sdc1 is write-protected, mounting read-only
/dev/sdc1 on /data/02 type ext3 (ro)

# dd count=10 if=/dev/hda1 of=/data/02/foo.bar
dd: opening `/data/02/foo.bar': Read-only file system

My harddisk is having a PV and then a VG ... LV which if i mount, still is able to write to it ? [ VG activation is successful ]

(dont know if 'write' means really write a large file but I checked using touch command and I am still able to create the file)

My kernel is

Is there anything I am missing here ?

Since you've got so many layers logicalness between the app and the spindles, maybe you aren't really writing to the spindle you think you are writing to? Or LVM is setting the read flag?

I tried this too ... But i am sure that the data is getting written to be spindle. I deactivated the usb drive and then re-activated the VG and LVs in it and could see the data writeen intact !

So, my guess is that hdparm -r1 does not work on USB scanned devices and there is no method to make the device read-only [unless we try to stick out head into the physical hardware ] ? Is that what we are concluding ?

Well, *you*, who are closer to the problem than I, are concluding it.

All I *know* is that "-r1" works on SCSI-over-Firewire and that it apparently does not work on LVM over SCSI-over-USB. Unless you are doing something "else" which seems so innocuous that you've failed to mention it.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

I like my women like I like my coffee - purchased at above-market
rates from eco-friendly organic farming cooperatives in Latin America.

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