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Re: LVM reorganization

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
On Thursday 18 December 2008, "M.Lewis" <cajun@cajuninc.com> wrote about 'Re: LVM reorganization':
Thanks Boyd. After reading through it a couple of times, it appears
pretty straight forward.

I've done it probably a dozen times now, and it's not hard if you are careful. It also helps to know your way around either fuser or lsof to find (and kill if needed) processes using the areas you are moving to different LVs.

Shrinking the LV is probably the most dangerous part. You don't want to have the filesystem be bigger than it's LV at any point. Make *sure* any filesystem on shrunk LVs are good before you start writing data to new or extended LVs. That data might end up over-writing the end of the filesystem!

Please elaborate on how this is done. Visually? 'du -h'?



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