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Re: expand /var, decrease /home space

steve wrote:
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attempted to do this before, but never found a way, google is no use.

is there no fairly straightforward way to expand /var and decrease
/home?  for some reason when I installed etch quite a while ago in my
fairly successful attempt at running a webserver it made /var only 2.8
gig and made /home 280 something gig.

now I want /var to be say 200 gig, and /home alot smaller..... for
obvious reasons. OR, if theres an easier way to accomplish, maybe mount
/home inside /var? I dont know, reaching for answers lol.

Thanks for any tips or links you can provide.

Can you give us the layout of your partitions? The output of `df` and `sudo fdisk -l` should help us in recommending the least painful way of achieving your goal.

- --
Steve Reilly


If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
                                       -- Albert Einstein

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