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Re: compiling the 2.26.6 kernel on debian.

Sorry - I am not JCL programmer - I am using gmail..i guess that is why.
I am using the kernel --- sorry .
I am also getting the error on reboot -
Then the machine goes into Kernel Panic.
any help would be appriciated.

On 10/10/08, Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net> wrote:

HTML-mail is *bad*, and gmail's attempt to convert emphasis tags to text results in really weird formatting.

Or, you're a mainframe programmer who has spent way to much time writing JCL.

On 10/10/08 14:28, Michael Habashy wrote:
Guys and Gals -
I tried to compile the kernel on 2.26.6. <http://2.26.6.>  I did NO modification to the kernel just generic.

You, of course, mean

I get the following error:
 Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods
 then it is followed by a lot of :
 Waiting 16 seconds for //sys/block/sdb/sdb1/dev/ to show up. /bin/cat: //sys/block/ sdb/sdb1/dev/: /No such file or directory/. /Device/ //sys/block/sdb/sdb1/dev
// /BTW - I followed the tutorial on  http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_debian/
// // /Any ideas on what the issue maybe ??? I am running sata drives  and have a couple of usb ports on the box./
/but do not understand the error - why a normal compile would cause the error./
// // /thanks/
/ /

Did you get this error during reboot?

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

"Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no
hook beneath it."  -- Thomas Jefferson

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