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Re: /var/log on tmpfs

I don't recommend placing /var/log on tmpfs. Instead I recommend you take one of these actions:
could you please summarize why?

3: Disable system logging using sysv-rc-conf or something similar. You might target sysklogd and/or klogd for disabling.
hm, i have to have a look at it - sysv-rc-conf seems to be pretty useful program...

The above ideas assume that the only logging you don't care about will come from syslog. If you truly don't care about /anything/ that might be written to /var/log/, you can go ahead and place it on tmpfs, and copy a template (or skeleton) over that filesystem at boot. The template would contain the files and directories needed by the applications that use /var/log.
the latter is true. i really don't care about anything that is in /var/log. syslog and apt were just two examples that i encountered so far. i will then probably go the 'skeleton' way for apps where i don't find a way how to change the path (apt, for example).


Lubos _@_"

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