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Re: tar block question

Paulo Silva wrote:
I think you can cut some steps

Ter, 2008-09-16 às 10:49 -0700, Bob McGowan escreveu:
   2.  losetup -f
       prints the name of the next available loop device, in my case it
       was /dev/loop0

   3.  losetup /dev/loop0 /path/to/filename

   4.  losetup /dev/loop0
       /dev/loop0: [0900]:8032956 (/path/to/filename)
       to confirm things worked as expected

   5.  mkfs -t fstype /dev/loop0
       use other options if desired, such as "-m 1" with ext3 for 1%
       reserved block count instead of 5%.

You sould be able do run mkfs directly on the file without creating a

# mkfs -t ext3 /path/to/filename
mke2fs 1.41.1 (01-Sep-2008)
/path/to/filename is not a block special device.
Proceed anyway? (y,n) y

   6.  mkdir /mnt/diskimg
       or use /media/??? or ...

   7.  mount -t fstype /dev/loop0 /mnt/diskimg

The mount can be done with the loop option using the file as device:

# mount -t fstype -o loop /path/to/filename /mnt/diskimg

So it does. I did try that, but it didn't work, probably because I tried it as a regular user, before searching for a method that explicitly said to do things as root.

Bob McGowan

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