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Re: diff display

On 2008-09-10 09:52, James A. Donald wrote:
> Under windows, diff usually works like windiff - you see
> the two versions side by side, with the differences
> highlighted by color
> git-gui, however gives me a diff where I see a single
> stream annotated with + and -
> I find the single stream display really obscure, ugly, 
> and confusing.

Linux's diff by default works this way, because most people here
consider it more easy to spot differences on longer lines, if they are
placed on top of each other. Tools like kdiff3 have a side by side view.
To obtain this result on the command line use diff's -y option.

I guess it just takes a bit of getting used to.

> but with color highlighting instead of + and -

On the comand line you get color highlighting by means of git's --color
option. (See 'man git-diff'). These settings can be made permanent by
putting them in your .gitconf. As an example here is part of mine:

    branch = auto
    diff = auto
    status = auto
[color "branch"]
    current = green reverse
    local = blue
    remote = yellow
[color "diff"]
    meta = green bold
    frag = magenta bold
    old = red bold
    new = blue bold
[color "status"]
    added = blue bold
    changed = yellow bold
    untracked = cyan bold

I don't know, if this will activate colors for the gui, though. (Just
tried it myself: at least I get colors on lenny.)

> Can I get file changes recorded in git to display the
> way they do in windows?

</rhetorical question>
If you insist that things in linux should be just like in windows, why
bother using linux?
<rhetorical question>

Sorry I can't help you with your side-by-side issue. I'm sure it
wouldn't be to difficult to write a little script that temporarily
clones a certain state of your git project to a different file location
and invokes kdiff3 on the tree and it's copy.



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