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Re: request for troubleshooting assistance - ldap authentication

Check the URI/host spec in /etc/libnss-ldap.conf to make sure it is
valid... there was a revision or few that mucked up in converting from
host to uri.

the syntax should be:
uri ldapi:///    (if you enabled that)
uri ldap:///     or ldap://fqdn/
uri ldaps://localhost:636/

The next problem comes in if ssl is in use, there are issues with the
code in determining to use ldaps:/// vs ldap:/// :(
So if you need ssl, either use TLS, or force the port to :636

a few checks:
	getent passwd <uid>
	ldapsearch -Hldap:/// uid=<uid>

Rick Nelson
I'd crawl over an acre of 'Visual This++' and 'Integrated Development
That' to get to gcc, Emacs, and gdb.  Thank you.
		-- Vance Petree, Virginia Power

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