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request for troubleshooting assistance - ldap authentication

I would like some advice/assistance on how to troubleshoot an
authentication issue on a Debian Sarge box.

I had a fiasco today where one box that I recently acquired the
responsibility of administering was set to stable in the sources.list
but was running all sarge packages.  I updated libnss-ldap, ssh, libssl,
and bind9 before realizing my error when authentication to my LDAP
server failed.  I subsequently uninstalled the etch packages by manually
installing the sarge packages from /var/cache/apt/archives with dpkg -i

I rebooted the host and I am still unable to authenticate my ldap users
using password authentication from the console or using SSH.  I am able
to authenticate using ssh's key-based auth where I see a message
indicating that I have no name.  I also get the users UID number in any
process list, lsof output, or directory listings.

I have verified all of the /etc/pam.d/* files and /etc/nsswitch.conf,
/etc/libnss-ldap.conf, et al.  I am able to authenticate to the LDAP
directory from other hosts on the network using the same configuration.

I'm assuming at this point that some package that I have installed and
subsequently uninstalled (most likely libnss-ldap) has not fully
reverted and I am suffering from a bad library or link.  Does anyone
have a good method for troubleshooting this beyond using strace to trace
logins and processes, disabling nscd, and/or rebuilding the box?  I
would really like to know how to track down this problem and fix it.  I
am not giving a lot of configuration details since the configuration is
a known good one.  I am more than willing to provide details on request.

Thanks a lot,

(new to debian)

Josh Miller - RHCE, VCP
Linux Solutions Provider
Seattle, WA  USA

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