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Re: More than one xserver?

On 07/06/2008 08:31:35 AM, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Karl O. Pinc wrote:

Why step 2, make softlinks to the X command?


That does not explain much.  Just says you have to do it.

Likewise, I found in "man xinit":

       ... However, servers are
       usually named Xdisplaytype where displaytype is  the
       type  of  graphics  display  which is driven by this
       server.  The site administrator  should,  therefore,
       make a link to the appropriate type of server on the
       machine, ...

But that's also not an explanation.

I can see where it'd be nice to know what X server is doing
what when you look at ps output, but otherwise don't see the
point.  I'm wondering if the symlink is some sort of
requirement, and if not what the purpose is.

Karl <kop@meme.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

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