Re: Debian Server hostname and Win 2003 DNS server
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On 06/25/08 08:51, Mirco Piccin wrote:
> Hi!
>> Servers work like a charm, but i am not able to ping them by hostname.
> Thanks Bob:
>> You may need to add relevant entries to the hosts file in each windows
> machine
> ...and Damon for yours replies
>> If you put those entries into another hosts hosts file, then you can
> ping this
>> host from that box by the above hosts names.
> ...
>> Windows also has a host file. Edit that as well.
> Yes, i know, if i modify hosts file both in linux and in windows machine
> i will not have more problems to ping those 2 new Debian servers.
> But there are a lot of people (and computer) that use services running
> on those servers.
> I hope there's a way to to the job wothout modify every single users
> machine.
> Or not? :-D
Well sure there is. For example, how does your computer know the IP
address of
How do the existing machines know each other's names?
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
"Kittens give Morbo gas. In lighter news, the city of New New
York is doomed."
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