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Re: Lenovo Thinkpad, HP, or Vostro/Latitude? was Re: OT: Laptop for College Bound Student?

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On 06/21/08 22:30, Sam Kuper wrote:
> 2008/6/21 Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net
> <mailto:ron.l.johnson@cox.net>>:
>     As long as California limo liberals make sure there are no
>     offshore oil rigs, and Ted Kennedy prevents windmills off the coast
>     of Martha's Vineyard, they don't *really* give a rat's arse about China.
> Ron, I can't speak for California limo liberals, since I've never owned
> or been inside a limo, but I can state categorically that a large number
> of people of many political persuasions are concerned about the
> environmental impact of manufacturing, regardless of where that
> manufacturing occurs.

The tell people like Ted Kennedy to put up (and allow that wind farm
off Martha's Vineyard) or shut up about the environment.

Sacrifices must be made, and a spoiled view is one of the things
that must be sacrificed.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

"Kittens give Morbo gas.  In lighter news, the city of New New
York is doomed."
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