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Re: Root sending messages to users

2008/6/20 Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net>:
> Even if, in this instance, there's no "harm" (she's you're wife,
> after all), it's still Bad Practice, and that makes for Bad Habits.
> In 15 seconds you can create user "dotan" on that machine, and log
> in as it, then sudo or su to do whatever you need to do.

In theory I agree with you 100%, and I appreciate you taking the time
to teach me best practices. In practice, the only non-root work that I
do on that machine is put / get files from her user account. So in 90%
of the cases I would SSH into dotan just to su into ety, and in the
other 10% of cases I would SSH into dotan just to run sudo commands.

Additionally, should I have a dotan account on that machine I will
habitually back it up, and always worry that there are files there
that I need to know about, and set up the environment just how I like,
and and and... I don't need any of that.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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