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Re: Reducing wastage of screen real estate in gnome

Ron Johnson wrote:
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On 05/12/08 19:50, Raj Kiran Grandhi wrote:
Thank you and to all others for their suggestions. I shall try alternate
WMs, but the problem appears to have more to do with gtk than with
gnome. The panels take up a tiny portion 2x24 px, but it is the extra
padding around the toolbar icons, the menubar titles, the tabs and
scrollbars and the like that is eating up the space.

Are there any "narrow" themes?

Back when sarge was in testing, there used to be a simple theme aptly named "Simple". Nowadays, the default seems to be clearlooks. I have changed it to 'glider' and it has saved me a few pixels. Shall search for some narrow looking themes and maybe copy its gtkrc.

This issue is not very pressing, just a bit annoying :-)

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

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Raj Kiran Grandhi
Politics is for the moment. An equation is for eternity.
                                       -- Albert Einstein

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