Re: [Totally OT] Re: Hmmm. A question. Was [Re: Debian is losing its users]
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 06:22:10PM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> That just violates basic economic principals, setting the price below the
> balance of supply and demand, especially given we're talking about an
> international commodities market and thus don't have the aboslute authority
> to make such a move possible. It can and ought to be solved by taxing the
> everlasting crap out of excess profits, though: Petroleum companies have
> been posting profits increasing at a rate nearly twice that of the price of
> oil. There is precident for taxing excessive profit in the US during World
> War II, and the economy was better off for it. Then again, another thing
> that was different about WWII, back then it was a felony to make a profit off
> the war.
Considering that the proponents of the war are Oil men, and that the
price of oil goes up every time doubYa farts, he has a vested interest
in keeping the middle-east unstable.
Personally, I don't have a problem with a high pump-price. Look at the
nice efficient cars and great public transit they have in Europe.
However, I'd rather that happen through taxes that get targeted back at
environmental improvement (the way tobacco tax both discourages use and
helps fund health care).
If only Canada had a nice place to dump spent nuclear fuel the way China
has Tibet... Canada should annex Texas!
Then there's the oil sands: thousands of square miles of boreal forest
dug up for an open-pit mine.
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