Re: [Totally OT] Re: Hmmm. A question. Was [Re: Debian is losing its users]
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On 04/11/08 15:40, Damon L. Chesser wrote:
> your knowledge of Linux is very good. Your knowledge of economics is
> not as good. The fact that China is sucking up all the oil they can buy
> on the free market has nothing to do with $100/barrel, does it?
Don't forget India... That's another billion people with a booming
> Perhaps
> if we passed a law stating you can not sell oil for more then
> $50/barrel, everything would be good? The war in Iraq is not good. It
> also has nothing to do with the cost of oil.
Well, it has *some*, but China+India is the big driver.
> Anyway, I joined this list to assist others, and be assisted, not
> expound my views on world matters, so I will desist further comments.
> You, of course are welcomed to yours and I would not request them to be
> silenced. I (mostly) enjoyed reading the banter on the LN lists. At
> some point in time you will know Ron is right and Peace and Love WILL
> break out (just like it did when The Wall came down and our military was
> no longer needed in the ensuing lack of war and destruction) :)
Peace Through Nuclear Pacification.
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
We want... a Shrubbery!!
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