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Re: [Totally OT] Re: Hmmm. A question. Was [Re: Debian is losing its users]

On Friday 11 April 2008 08:17:56 am Ron Johnson wrote:
> On 04/11/08 10:03, Paul Johnson wrote:
> > On Friday 11 April 2008 06:16:21 am Ron Johnson wrote:
> >> On 04/11/08 07:40, Christopher Judd wrote:
> >>> On Thursday 10 April 2008, Ron Johnson wrote:
> >>>> On 04/10/08 13:51, Andrei Popescu wrote:
> >>>>>>>> [snip]
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> It *is* a pain.  Friends in Western NY also say that milk about
> >>>>>> $3/gal.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Come on guys, it's not fair. You are complaining about 3$/gal for
> >>>>> milk and gas? What about Europe, where we pay 1EUR/litre (and more)
> >>>>> !!! According to qalc and current exchange rates:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> ~$ qalc 1 EUR / litre to USD / gallon
> >>>>> (1 * euro) / liter = approx. 6.0093412($ / gal)
> >>>>
> >>>> And according to a Brit friend in France, it's $8.15/gal in Toulouse.
> >>>>
> >>>> But something's got to be cheaper in Europe...
> >>>
> >>> Health care would be a big one.
> >>
> >> And taxes are much lower here, and the torte system so different,
> >> and people so much more eager to sue.
> >
> > Depends on the country.  In France, they pay less taxes, and with those
> > taxes they get college and healthcare at no extra charge.
> And labor unions so stifling they create 25% unemployment among
> young people.

The labor movement is not a bad thing.  Once you do get a job, you get paid a 
family living wage with decent benefits.  We once had the same thing in the 
US, and the American middle class was far and away better off then, than we 
are now.

 >                                                       We coulda done that
> >
> > ourselves
> Sure, and pigs could fly out my arse if I pushed hard enough.  Got
> any more fantasies?

We're talking about $12 billion every month.  That's a shit-ton of money by 
any standard, and it's not like it's going to productive use the way it's 
currently being spent.

> >           over the last 8 years if the conservatives didn't think it to
> > be more productive to flush it down the war...
> Clinton didn't do it, so what makes you think that Gore or JFK would
> have done it?

Probably because FDR did it last time we were this fucked.  Just because he's 
dead now doesn't mean he didn't have good ideas that worked wonders, contrary 
to what Rush thinks.

Paul Johnson

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