Re: [Totally OT] Re: Hmmm. A question. Was [Re: Debian is losing its users]
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On 04/11/08 10:03, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Friday 11 April 2008 06:16:21 am Ron Johnson wrote:
>> On 04/11/08 07:40, Christopher Judd wrote:
>>> On Thursday 10 April 2008, Ron Johnson wrote:
>>>> On 04/10/08 13:51, Andrei Popescu wrote:
>>>>>>>> [snip]
>>>>>> It *is* a pain. Friends in Western NY also say that milk about
>>>>>> $3/gal.
>>>>> Come on guys, it's not fair. You are complaining about 3$/gal for milk
>>>>> and gas? What about Europe, where we pay 1EUR/litre (and more) !!!
>>>>> According to qalc and current exchange rates:
>>>>> ~$ qalc 1 EUR / litre to USD / gallon
>>>>> (1 * euro) / liter = approx. 6.0093412($ / gal)
>>>> And according to a Brit friend in France, it's $8.15/gal in Toulouse.
>>>> But something's got to be cheaper in Europe...
>>> Health care would be a big one.
>> And taxes are much lower here, and the torte system so different,
>> and people so much more eager to sue.
> Depends on the country. In France, they pay less taxes, and with those taxes
> they get college and healthcare at no extra charge.
And labor unions so stifling they create 25% unemployment among
young people.
> We coulda done that
> ourselves
Sure, and pigs could fly out my arse if I pushed hard enough. Got
any more fantasies?
> over the last 8 years if the conservatives didn't think it to be
> more productive to flush it down the war...
Clinton didn't do it, so what makes you think that Gore or JFK would
have done it?
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
We want... a Shrubbery!!
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