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Re: Fwd: Re: [Somewhat More OT] Closed source software Was [Re: Hmmm. A question. Was [Re: Debian is losing its users]]

On Sunday 06 April 2008 02:18:18 pm John C. Ellingboe wrote:
> Paul Johnson wrote:
> > On Sunday 06 April 2008 09:02:41 am Ron Johnson wrote:
> >>And the 1933 /King Kong/, the B&W /Secret Garden/ (which my 8yo
> >>daughter likes), and the live action Disney movies from the late 50s
> >>thru mid 70s like /The Shaggy Dog/, /Flubber/, /The World's
> >>Strongest Man/, /Escape From Witch Mountain/ etc.
> >>
> >>Turner Classic Movies is *the* channel in our house.  It and a PVR
> >>that burns DVDs are unbeatable.
> >
> > Song of the South was really good, and despite having a ride themed after
> > it at pretty much every Disney park, odds of finding a copy of Song of
> > the South on anything but an old Japanese laserdisc are pretty slim these
> > days.
> Try googling for "song of the south" and see just how slim the odds are.

A legitimate copy, not a pirate DVD of it.

Paul Johnson

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