Re: [Totally OT] Re: Hmmm. A question. Was [Re: Debian is losing its users]
On Saturday 05 April 2008, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Saturday 05 April 2008 02:24:17 pm Hal Vaughan wrote:
> > I truly hope you're being facetious because the alternative would
> > be to wonder if you've ever talked to any parents.
> Of course I know parents, and the ones who don't have anything
> resembling that kind of money lined up pretty much have hell to pay
> for it. It's an unenviable position that I plain can't understand
> why anybody would put themselves in to start with, much less consider
> normal.
That you don't understand it does not mean that you are in any position
to judge them. That you admit you can't understand it supports that
you are in no position to make such a judgement. If you don't
understand it, you're not the one to make a judgement.
> > By your standard, less than 2% of the entire world's population
> > should ever consider parenthood, and those would be the richest 2%
> > on the planet.
> Yes, that's correct. There's not really much of any reason for
> humans to keep reproducing at the rate we are. We're gaining a
> billion people every 10-15 years right now, it's not like we need
> more numbers.
There's a difference between reproducing at the rate we are and limiting
reproduction rights to 2% of the world. That's quite a sharp line to
draw when there's a lot of gray area in the middle. Actually, if you
go by your statements, then unless your parents were wealthy when they
had you, you should have never been allowed to be conceived.
> > Unless you're at least a multi-millionaire (considering numbers
> > these days, I'd say worth $3-5 million), you've just qualified
> > yourself as an unfit Father.
> Actually, my abilities as a potential father aren't the issue and
> will never be the issue. I'm childfree.
Oh, don't worry. I didn't want to get into your fitness to raise any
children, whether you're a millionaire or not. But that you don't want
to have children does not qualify you to make judgements regarding
eugenics for others.
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