Re: [OT] Need old Packages.gz and Release Files
On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 03:35:57PM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> I have had an accident on my Debian-Archiv-Server and unfortunatly the
> files "Packages.gz", "Packages.bz2", "Sources.gz", "Sources.bz2" and
> "Release" from the directories
> /debian/dists/${RELEASE}/main/binary-${ARCH}/
> /debian/dists/${RELEASE}/main/sources/
> /debian/dists/${RELEASE}/contrib/binary-${ARCH}/
> /debian/dists/${RELEASE}/contrib/sources/
> /debian/dists/${RELEASE}/non-free/binary-${ARCH}/
> /debian/dists/${RELEASE}/non-free/sources/
> deleted. The special is, that I have ALL Releases where ${RELEASES} is
> like:
> potato: 2.2r0 bis 2.2r5 => 6 Releases
> woody: 3.0r0 bis 3.0r6 => 7 Releases
> sarge: 3.1r0 bis 3.1r7 => 8 Releases
> etch: 4.0r0 bis 4.0r2 => 3 Releases
Certainly would have the last version of each release
(so 2.2r5, 3.0r6, etc).
> Does anyone has this files? (e.g from the original CD's)
The CDs would have had seperate (and different) Packages.gz since there
would be one on each CD covering just what was on that CD.
> I have the ugencly need to restore several millionen Symlinks.
> I need it urgently for the restore of the Archive-Server (the Raid-5
> is gone on Thursday 2008-03-27 because a damaged caused by water from a
> neighbour)
> Note1: With the Archive-Mirroe I can install or restore ANY Release
> because I have all "binaries" and "sources" since "SLINK"
> plus partialy from "BUZZ", "REX", "BO" und "HAMM".
> Note 2: The Archive-Server has currently seven Raid-5 of each fiveteen
> 300 GByte harddrives (=3600 GByte set) and with the release of
> Lenny I will hit the space limit of 25 TByte.
> (Currently I have no sponsor and even no fixed Internet
> connection, so I am definitivly Off-Line)
Neat project. I am not sure why being able to install 3.0r3 rather than
3.0r6 is necesarily very useful, but it is neat to have the choice.
Unfortunate that debian of course only keeps the current version of a
release on their servers, and only ever archives the
last version of a given release.
Len Sorensen
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