Hello, I have had an accident on my Debian-Archiv-Server and unfortunatly the files "Packages.gz", "Packages.bz2", "Sources.gz", "Sources.bz2" and "Release" from the directories /debian/dists/${RELEASE}/main/binary-${ARCH}/ /debian/dists/${RELEASE}/main/sources/ /debian/dists/${RELEASE}/contrib/binary-${ARCH}/ /debian/dists/${RELEASE}/contrib/sources/ /debian/dists/${RELEASE}/non-free/binary-${ARCH}/ /debian/dists/${RELEASE}/non-free/sources/ deleted. The special is, that I have ALL Releases where ${RELEASES} is like: potato: 2.2r0 bis 2.2r5 => 6 Releases woody: 3.0r0 bis 3.0r6 => 7 Releases sarge: 3.1r0 bis 3.1r7 => 8 Releases etch: 4.0r0 bis 4.0r2 => 3 Releases Does anyone has this files? (e.g from the original CD's) I have the ugencly need to restore several millionen Symlinks. I need it urgently for the restore of the Archive-Server (the Raid-5 is gone on Thursday 2008-03-27 because a damaged caused by water from a neighbour) Note1: With the Archive-Mirroe I can install or restore ANY Release because I have all "binaries" and "sources" since "SLINK" plus partialy from "BUZZ", "REX", "BO" und "HAMM". Note 2: The Archive-Server has currently seven Raid-5 of each fiveteen 300 GByte harddrives (=3600 GByte set) and with the release of Lenny I will hit the space limit of 25 TByte. (Currently I have no sponsor and even no fixed Internet connection, so I am definitivly Off-Line) Thanks, Greetings and nice Day Michelle Konzack Systemadministrator 24V Electronic Engineer Tamay Dogan Network Debian GNU/Linux Consultant -- Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ ##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ##################### Michelle Konzack Apt. 917 ICQ #328449886 +49/177/9351947 50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi +33/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)
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