Re: [OT] sqlite-amalgamation
On Thu, 3 Apr 2008 13:16:57 +0530
"sabarish balagopal" <> wrote:
> I just downloaded the source tarball, un-tar'ed and unzipped, did a
> "./configure && make". That left me with a "sqlite3" executable. I didn't
> had slightest of problem doing this.
> So if you can elaborate what exactly you did, what exact error/problem you
> faced, what is that you trying to do, I guess other users will be able to
> help you out.
> Cheers!
> Sabarish.
Thanks for the reply sabarish.
Yes, I could have downloaded the source tarball and done that but according to the website (in the download section), they recommend to download the sql-amalgamation version. Which is just all the source code into one C file. I was wondering if anyone has used this specific amalgamation version...
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