Re: prob hp colorado 5 GB on lenny - /dev/ht0 read only file system !!!
On 2 Apr at 23:05 Franck Dufau <> wrote in message
> hye all
> i want instal hp colorado 5 Gb on lenny he is located in HDD
> at startup kernel in grub hdd=ide-scsi ok modprobe ide-tape ok
> ht0 is create ln -s /dev/ht0 /dev/tape ok
> when i try to do backup
> dump -0 -f /dev/ht0 /home -> cannot open output /dev/ht0 read only file
> system
> i do : chmod ugo+rw /dev/ht0
> dump -0 -f /dev/ht0 /home -> cannot open output /dev/ht0 read only file
> system
Yes, firstly, ide-scsi is not compiled in to any production kernel (don't
know about lenny, I use etch; try modprobe ide-scsi to be certain), because
it has been deprecated (see bug #467291). Therefore hdd=ide-scsi has no
effect. The tape drive would appear as /dev/st0 with ide-scsi.
Secondly, ide-tape, which should replace ide-scsi, is broken. Apart from the
bug #327355, it doesn't return some flags correctly; in particular
GMT_ONLINE is always false. I guess this is causing your error.
The solution I adopted, while arguing with the kernel maintainers, is to
build a kernel without IDE-TAPE, and with IDE-SCSI (if you leave IDE-TAPE
in, you need the hdd=ide-scsi line in your startup parameters, otherwise
ide-tape gets preference).
It's a mess...
Tony van der Hoff |
Buckinghamshire, England
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