Hello All, I'm using a Lenny system running KDE. On 28th of March, after an upgrade I find that Knotify no longer produces any sounds. The sound system still works, as Noatun, KMplayer et al all produce sounds. The only package that appears to be relevant during the update is oss-compat v0.0.4 which was installed at that time (not upgraded). I thought, I'd try to remove it but attempting to do so brings up a long list of things that have to be uninstalled (most of KDE and virtually anything sound related). At the same time, a kernel upgrade from 2.6.22-k7 to 2.6.24-686 was performed. I tried running the older kernel to see if that fixed the problem, but no such luck. Errors reported in .xsession-errors are as follows; Could not open library '/usr/lib/kde3/knotify.la'. /usr/lib/libartskde.so.1: undefined symbol: _ZTv0_n28_N4Arts14StdSynthModule11autoSuspendEv knotify.la, knotify.so and libartskde.so.1 all exist in the right places. I tried searching Google for information, but the only thing approximating this was for KUbuntu dated 2006, and was resolved with a further package upgrade. So, does anyone have any idea as to the fix? -- Regards _ / ) "The blindingly obvious is / _)rad never immediately apparent" I don't believe you have to be an idiot to get somewhere these days Bombsite Boy - The Adverts
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