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Re: Migrating from Python 2.4 to Python 2.5 in Etch

Amit T Uttamchandani wrote:
Hey Everyone,

Some of the libraries I need to use are only available for python 2.5. I installed it in Etch and everything works fine.

I understand that Etch installs python 2.4 by default. Is there any way I can "force" /usr/bin/python to python 2.5? The issues are:

 1. Will changing the symbolic link mess up anything?
 2. I can simply use #!/usr/bin/python2.5 at the beginning of my scripts right and not worry about symlinks and all that?

Any suggestions?


Option 2 is correct and will work fine for your situation. So, I'd suggest staying with option 2, for now.

I'm not a Python user, so I can't vouch for it, but there could be changes in 2.5 that have unexpected repercussions with 2.4 code. I would leave changing the symlinks/alternatives to the developers and release engineers.

Bob McGowan

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