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Re: IceWeasel and IceDove or other OS?

> The only Debian distro I have tried so far are Ubuntu's... however I
> am just wondering what are the state of IceWeasel and IceDove like?
> Are the source distributed in a portable form somewhere that can be
> downloaded and recompiled on other Unix like OS like other Linux
> distros, the BSD's, Solaris, etc??

Since Debian is not strictly tied to the linux kernel or a specific
architecture, every package should be (generally) kept in a more or less
portable state. But I don't have any specific information concerning

> I am aware that those other Unix like OS already has the Mozilla
> Firefox in their respective package manager... but I thought it would
> be good to let eveyone have a choice,

You know that the reason for the rebranding is a trademark issue and
nothing else?

I am worried that my dreams pale in comparison beside TV docu-soaps.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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