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Re: USB stick umount locks up machine

On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 09:11:34PM +0000, postid wrote:
> When I unmount a USB memory stick my machine becomes completely 
> unresponsive. I can't access a console and even the sysreq key sequences 
> don't work. I end up shutting it down with the power button.
> My /etc/fstab has this line:
> # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
> /dev/sda1       /media/usb      auto    rw,user,noauto  0       0
> This is an IBM R40 laptop running Sarge.
> Any ideas for using USB sticks successfully?
> (Yes, I'll upgrade to Etch eventually, but right now I'm too busy for that.)
> Please CC me as I'm not currently subscribed.

Since this is Sarge, is it safe to assume that this is all being done
manually, or there some HAL or other auto-mount daemon involved?

Assuming manual: (never having used an amd I'd be lost)

You need to see the syslog at the same time as the unmount happens.
Whenever I'm diagnosing a system freeze like this, I stop X to to take a
big variable out of the picture.  That leaves you at a VT.  

Ideally, you'd set up a serial console to log everything going to the
console, and using sysctl.conf, allow all kernel messages to be printed
on the console.  Then from a VT, issue the umount command (of course
ensuring that the stick is free) and watch the console.

If you can't hook up a serial console, I'd try using either 'at' or even
sleep 1m; umount [stick] on one VT while you switch to the VT running
tail -f /var/log/syslog and watch what happens.

I didn't get anything USB until after I was running Etch so I don't know
how well Sarge handled things like USB sticks.  Are modules being loaded
or unloaded properly?  

Good luck.


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