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Ice Weasel

What is it with Ice Weasel anyhow. I have no problems signing onto Debian and using Icedove. the rest of the processing goes well.

However, when it comes to Iceweasel, it spends more time dropping out that it does working. It will work for a couple of screens and then drops out. You can bring it back and it will work for a couple of screens and then drops again. I know that there are a lot of things I can do with Debian and it will work great. I also use Mepis which is based on Debian and have no problems with it at all. However, Debian itself and Ice Weasel in particular make it almost not worth using Debian at all.

I am using Debian Sidux and have also tried Etch in the past and have had the same problems with them both. I am using an Intel Duo Core 2 processor E4400. Ubuntu, Mepis, BlueWhite64, Sabayon all work great and with no problems. Debian sucks big time.

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