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Re: reliable editting of any PDF file

On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 11:49:19PM +0200, Micha wrote:
> Yes, but for me for example it would be very useful if I could add notes to
> papers I download to reference in my work (academics, it's what you are
> supposed to do ;-). I don't have access to the originals (with pdf's you rarely
> do actually, people give you the pdf in the first place to make sure that you
> see it properly, not to edit it).
> I would have been happy if there was something that could do highlighting,
> notes, lines and really ecstatic if it could actually do equations ...
> thought of writing something like that once but never got the time to dig in.

I can think of two ways, then, since you want to add notes and not
actually edit the origional message:

1.	Bring it into xfig, add your notes, and save as pdf.

2.	Convert it to an .eps, then bring it into LaTex (or Lyx) and
	write your notes around or over it.  

I suppose the ideal would be if you had a light pen that worked as a
mouse.  Then in xfig, just do free-hand line drawing and hand write your
notes right over top of the image.

The promise of the paperless office hasn't arrived yet.  The ease of
picking up a pen and jotting a note on a document hasn't been


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