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Signature based backup solution?

Do you know any backup solution which uses signature/delta/patch like rdiff
(http://linux.die.net/man/1/rdiff) I found duplicity
(http://www.nongnu.org/duplicity) does this but it stores the full backup as
tar.gz, but I want 

Do you know any backup solution which store backup like mirror, but each file is
compressed? And then can do incremental backups without an original file? (like
rdiff http://linux.die.net/man/1/rdiff)

I found duplicity uses rdiff's signature/delta/patch method, but it store full
backup as huge tar.gz, which I don't want. And there is rdiff-backup, it stores
full backup as mirror, but it doesn't compress files. ( I wan't them compressed.)

I found a script which can do this kind of thing but I think I want more
reliable solution. Are there any backup solution which can do this, or can we
hack duplicity or rdiff-backup to do those things easily?


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