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Re: upgrading X in sid

charlie derr wrote:
> I have a laptop with a native resolution of 1900x1200 which has been
> working fine for the past year an a half.
> This weekend I upgraded (which included both X and kde) in unstable/sid
> and now I find that my X session is being rendered (according to
> xvidtune) at 1680x1050
> What's odd is that the relevant section from  /etc/X11/xorg.conf (pasted
> below) wouldn't seem to allow that.
> Anyone know what's going on?   The only explanation that makes sense to
> me is that Xorg now directly queries the graphics subsystem and
> essentially ignores what's been set in xorg.conf.  I'm definitely
> interested in knowing how to get back the full 1900x1200 resolution.
>     thanks much in advance,
>             ~c
Since version 1.3 of the xserver-xorg-core package the configuration file
xorg.conf has more flexibility for multi-head configuration. The different heads
(outputs) of the graphical unit can be bound to different monitor sections via
an option called "Monitor-<ouputname>" in the device section (compare man-page
xorg.conf(5): monitor section). Especially in notebooks, the LCD called LVDS
(search for LVDS in /var/log/Xorg.0.log) is sometimes *not bound* to the monitor
section (and its settings) without this additional option in the device section.
An example configuration (for an intel graphic device but transferable to any
hardware) can be found on http://www.intellinuxgraphics.com/dualhead.html.
Although its an example for a dual-head configuration, it makes clear the
principle of the new option "Monitor-<ouputname>".

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