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Re: gnucash in Sarge crashes when opening file; started after recent security updates

Thanks for your answer.

But no scheduled transactions.

I know I won't get much help with such an old version. That's why I
asked on debian-users if someone has similar problems. Security updates
where the only changes to this system. I thought if that was the reason
someone might have noticed other symptoms.

In the meantime I did some experiments. I found --nofile options,
created a new file and tried to crash gnucash. Accounts work OK but
reports (especially custom) crash. I removed all custom reports (rm -r
~/.gnucash, I forgot dpkg doesn't purge this one) and my file loaded. It
complained about report not found or something but works. I only need to
be careful not to leave open reports.

For now moving I can't move to newer version. I couldn't get neither 2.2
nor 2.0 to build under Sarge. And I won't upgrade until I have some
other (more important) stuff finished.

Thanks again,
Tomasz Szpakowicz

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