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Re: slurping a file

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

I want to download an file that consists of many pieces that are referred to by the main index.html.

One way is to do it manually, that takes days and is prone to errors.

Is there a "slurp" application that walks through the file and downloads the pieces?

--- Responses regarding wget and Perl with LWP ---

Thanks guys!! I knew about those 2 ways too :-(
Goes to show you what age does...


If you don't mind working in a graphical mode using your browser, and if the browser is Firefox or a derivative, you could also use the 'Down Them All' (DTA) extension.

Once installed, clicking in a non-link area of the page brings up a menu with DTA options. Selecting the 'DownThemAll!...' item opens a window listing all the links on the page. You can select some; select all and delete some; add or remove filters to modify items listed;, etc.

Then click start and go get a cup of coffee (or your preferred beverage of choice) and enjoy a movie while it all gets downloaded ;)

Bob McGowan

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