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Re: kernel 2.6.20 generates kernel panic at boot

Stephen Cormier wrote:
On April 25, 2007 04:48:17 pm Lorenzo Bettini wrote:

I updated the linux sources (debian package) from 2.6.18 to 2.6.20.
Copied the previous .config and issued a make oldconfig

However, the new kernel does not boot: it freezes with a kernel panic
when trying to mount the root partition...

My laptop is a sony vaio...

On other computers (desktops) this kernel update succeeded without any

any clue please?

thanks in advance

Lorenzo Bettini, PhD in Computer Science, DSI, Univ. di Firenze
ICQ# lbetto, 16080134     (GNU/Linux User # 158233)
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Using make oldconfig is not really recommended your better off using make menuconfig, xconfig ... even if it is only to load then save and exit with the old .config file at least you get a warning of what has changed/is not

I thought that make oldconfig was the right procedure when switching to a new kernel, since you're asked questions only about things that changed... am I missing something?

are you suggesting instead to copy the old .config in the new kernel directory and issue a make menuconfig? But how do you know about the new options?

used anymore. I know the driver names for the SATA drives at least changed from the .18 to .20 so if it is using one of those then that is the first place to look and the IDE drives are now being detected as sd? instead of hd?

I don't this is the issue: if you see my answer to another answer you see that the new kernel works perfectly on desktops where I have /dev/hd* (which are still detected as /dev/hd*) while the problem is on my laptop where the hard disk is /dev/sda


Lorenzo Bettini, PhD in Computer Science, DSI, Univ. di Firenze
ICQ# lbetto, 16080134     (GNU/Linux User # 158233)
HOME: http://www.lorenzobettini.it MUSIC: http://www.purplesucker.com
BLOGS: http://tronprog.blogspot.com  http://longlivemusic.blogspot.com
http://www.gnu.org/software/gengen http://doublecpp.sourceforge.net

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