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Re: Which OS? Was "I do consider Ubuntu to be Debian" , Ian Murdock

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Andrei Popescu wrote:
> Joe Hart <j.hart@orange.nl> wrote:
>> That is a reason not to use Sidux.  The devs of Sidux specifically say
>> that aptitude and Sid don't get along well because aptitude has
>> trouble keeping up with fast moving dependencies.
> Do you have a reference for this? I am using aptitude with sid for more
> than a year and never had troubles.
> Regards,
> Andrei

Sure Andrei.  Here:

I always thought aptitude was better than apt-get because of the
information that I had read from the Debian documentation.  It seems
that some other people have different ideas.  Perhaps that's why so many
different tools exist. Some people prefer one of doing something way
over another.  I haven't seen any mention on their forums about not
using wajig, which is yet another front end for apt.

I also use adept-notifier, which they don't recommend, but that lets me
see quickly if there's anything that needs (or can be) upgraded.  I
don't use adept-manager, or adept-updater, just the notifier.

When I think it's time to upgrade, I switch to a tty, then init 3 to
stop X from running, run a script that does the upgrade, then init 5 to
get back to X.  It isn't hard, but it isn't just one command.


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