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Re: [debian-users] minicom or ISP? - No urgency - answer if you have time.

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Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct. wrote:
> When dialing up my ISP in an interactive mode providing user name and
> password I get a third prompt with the prompt message "AiiNET".  So now
> I get 3 prompts: "user name", "password", and "AiiNET" where before I
> just got the 2 prompts "user name" and "password".  The ISP would not
> help saying that they don't support Linux.  The ISP has a monopoly out
> here is rural Alberta, Canada. Since there are some very experienced
> people on the list maybe someone has run into this third prompt.  As I
> said, it is a relatively new prompt which does not always occur (and I
> have a somewhat clumsy work-around).  Has anyone else run into this
> situation where the "AiiNET" prompt occurs during manual dial up? In the
> following paragraph I provide more detail.

Just a long shot, but there is a person at aiinet.com who seems to be
working on some ppp projects. I even wonder if this could be coming from
one of the ISP's own linux machines???

see: <http://marc.info/?l=linux-ppp&m=107772784930462&w=2>

or do a your own google search for aiinet

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