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Re: Listing packages

On Fri, 2007-10-12 at 16:58 -0500, Miguel Cobá wrote:
> I have a mixed installation with packages from stable and testing and
> I want to list the packages and what version (stable, testing,
> unstable) of debian are they from.
> I have searched the web for a solution, but nothing until now. With 
> dpkg -l   or  apt-show-versions
> I can find the version number of the package, but not the repo.
> Do you know how to get the list this way?

This should get you a list of installed packages, what archive they are
from, and if they are from a main archive, or the security archive:

dpkg --get-selections |while read pkg dummy; do src=$(apt-cache policy
$pkg |grep -A1 ' \*' |sed 1d | tr -s "[:blank:]" ); [ -n "$src" ] &&
echo $pkg: $(apt-cache policy |grep -A1 "$src" |grep -oE '(a|
l)=[A-Za-z-]+'); done

Sample output:

david@zepto:~$ ./pkglist |head -n 5
a2ps: a=stable l=Debian
abiword-common: a=stable l=Debian
abiword-gnome: a=stable l=Debian
acpi: a=stable l=Debian
acpid: a=stable l=Debian


gpg-key: http://www.zettazebra.com/files/key.gpg

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