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Re: New error with backslashes in filenames

Hi, this is probably not a error.

You can see it in md5sum.c in coreutils (I have 5.97):

== md5sum.c ==
638               /* Output a leading backslash if the file name contains
639                  a newline or backslash.  */
640               if (strchr (file, '\n') || strchr (file, '\\'))
641                 putchar ('\\');

Maybe that's because it wants you to remind you have the backslash there :)


Marty wrote:
I get the following new error on my recently upgraded Etch system:

$ touch "test\file"
$ md5sum "test\file"
\d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  test\\file

Note the leading backslash. This is some thing I haven't seen before, and it breaks some of my maintenance scripts which don't have control over input, including backslashes in filenames. I reproduced it on another etch system, which tends to eliminate my configuration but not completely, since my machines tend to be clones of each other.

I don't know when it appeared, or whether it's Etch-related, and I have no idea how to track it down. Any help is appreciated. If it's a bug, then some information about how or where to report it is also appreciated.

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