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I'm running into problems with stunnel4 configuration.

The underlying application works.
But I keep getting the same errors when I invoke SSL tunneling.

2007.10.08 21:49:54 LOG5[10064:47438519754832]: stunnel 4.18 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu with OpenSSL 0.9.8c 05 Sep 2006 2007.10.08 21:49:54 LOG5[10064:47438519754832]: Threading:PTHREAD SSL:ENGINE Sockets:POLL,IPv6 Auth:LIBWRAP 2007.10.08 21:49:54 LOG6[10064:47438519754832]: file ulimit = 1024 (can be changed with 'ulimit -n') 2007.10.08 21:49:54 LOG6[10064:47438519754832]: poll() used - no FD_SETSIZE limit for file descriptors
2007.10.08 21:49:54 LOG5[10064:47438519754832]: 500 clients allowed
2007.10.08 21:49:54 LOG7[10064:47438519754832]: FD 4 in non-blocking mode 2007.10.08 21:49:54 LOG7[10064:47438519754832]: FD 5 in non-blocking mode 2007.10.08 21:49:54 LOG7[10064:47438519754832]: FD 6 in non-blocking mode 2007.10.08 21:49:54 LOG7[10064:47438519754832]: SO_REUSEADDR option set on accept socket 2007.10.08 21:49:54 LOG3[10064:47438519754832]: Error binding imaps to 2007.10.08 21:49:54 LOG3[10064:47438519754832]: bind: Address already in use (98)

I'm unable to start it up from /etc/init.d/stunnel4.
Keeps calling for a pid=, but it's already specified....
Not sure that I want/need to have it running all the time.

I'm trying to set it up through inetd:
imaps stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/stunnel4 stunnel4 /etc/stunnel/ stunnel.conf

with a configuration file of:
cert = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem
key = /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem

; Protocol version (all, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1)
sslVersion = SSLv3

; Some security enhancements for UNIX systems - comment them out on Win32
chroot = /var/lib/stunnel4/
setuid = stunnel4
setgid = stunnel4
; PID is created inside chroot jail
pid = /stunnel4.pid

; Some performance tunings
socket = l:TCP_NODELAY=1
socket = r:TCP_NODELAY=1
;compression = rle

; Workaround for Eudora bug

; Some debugging stuff useful for troubleshooting
debug = 7
output = /var/log/stunnel4/stunnel.log

; Use it for client mode
;client = yes

; Service-level configuration

;accept  = 995
;connect = 110

accept  = 993
connect = 143
cert    = /etc/ssl/certs/email.pem
key     = /etc/ssl/certs/email.pem
session = 14400
TIMEOUTidle = 14400

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