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Re: Math Package to Solve Linear Equations?

On Sat, 6 Oct 2007, Thomas H. George wrote:

I'm feeling stupid. I used to have a math package which inverted matrices to solve systems of linear equations - i.e. enter the matrix and the y values and the program inverts the matrix and reports the x values. I know how to do it manually but it is laborious for large matrices. Perhaps Openoffice.calc/solver does this but it is not clear to me how to enter data for solver to do this. apt-cache search matrix |grep inversion doesn't turn up anything.

There are better ways to solve systems of linear equations than by
inverting matrices -- please consult a numerical analysis text.

Would someone please beat me over the head and point me to a simple package to do this job?

There are several "matrix languages" that support array data and provide matric inversion as well as solvers, including: Matlab/octave, IDL/gdl, S+/R. Of these, the S+/R language is the most modern. It is written by and for statisticians, but offers much the same linear algebra capabilities found in Matlab/octave and IDL/gdl. If you aren't already familiar with Matlab or IDL then I recommend R. The documentation is excellent and it is very widely used.

George N. White III <aa056@chebucto.ns.ca>

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