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Re: It's 3am and I have no caffeine

On Wed, Sep 26, 2007 at 03:46:28AM -0400, Chuck Payne wrote:
> Guys,
> I am sorry to ask such a newbie question, and my eyes are crossed, no 
> caffeine, and I have try everything on the man pages and my serveral books 
> and I am not getting the answer.
> Ok. Here are my two question, and two question they yet be.
> I need to know the flag for grep to get the exact phrase, for payne.
> when I do grep for payne...I like this...
> cpayne
> cepayne
> payne
> apayne
> I know it got to be simple.
> Also, why can I do this zgrep -c, how can I get a count with zgrep.
> Again sorry I know these are simple newbie questions, but it late and my 
> brain is aching for CAFFEINE....
> Payne

Chuck, there are different options depending what you want.

If you want to grep:
A line that starts with 'payne', this will do it:
egrep "^payne" greptest 

If you want to grep a line 'payne' this will do it:
egrep "^payne$"

if you want a sentence that contains the word 'payne' then you need
something different.

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