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Re: Debian may lose a user

On Wed, 26 Sep 2007, Mike McCarty shared this with us all:
>--} Anyway, that's it, FWIW.

As interesting as this appears Mike, it again shows the main difference 
between operating systems that "supply everything" a user requires, and one 
that supplies everything, but the user has to be willing to do a bit 
themselves. Sometimes wait a while even for acknowledgement, after much 
searching on their own first.

It's interesting that in the most used operating system, if people can't 
do/view something they just don't do it and say so, and just keep going as 
best they can without ever resolving the situation. Some of these, sick of 
paying and still not being able to do something they want, move to open 
source alternatives and start learning how they work as they attempt to fix 
things. Usually only hindered by the fact they don't know what tool to use to 
do it.

So not everyone should use Debian, or any other open source operating system. 
The people that find the environment congenial, if not comfortable, tend 
toward being willing to be inconvenienced a little, knowing there will be a 
solution, even enjoying he challenge. Even if the solution is difficult to 
find, must be waited for and needs to be worried at to discover.

I have read where a long time Linux user wrote that he was sick of doing 
things open source. He just wanted to have an operating system to install and 
not need to tweak things, just install the software and have it working. Then 
work with it. I have a feeling that he didn't move into the shadow and look 
into the light. But if he did, it may have been because with age his thinking 
changed. It happens.

There is not one system better than another, just different, like people are 
different, we each need to find what we can use and enjoy. So whatever your 
GF finds best is good. Isn't it? I don't think any operating systems 
advocates would like to keep her using it against her will. If she thinks of 
quitting the system because she cannot find the answer herself, or anyone 
able or willing to help her, then maybe she is not suited to use that system? 
To use open source you have to think about being open source, having a 
certain amount of aggravation with something that can be fixed and being one 
who perseveres. We have all had our frustrations at Debian as with every 
other operating system, open source or not. How often have we worried and 
googled a problem and weeks later found some obscure reference to it? 
Something done by default, that wasn't supposed to happen. Comment out a line 
in the configuration file and thing works. I think every person on this list 
has had that experience?

Thanks for the heads up, but one is lost and ten are found. To each their own. 
Please wish her well from me at least.

Be well,
Registered Linux User:- 329524
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