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The main challenge in 3-D IC design is performance-weakening heat dissipation, which is already a problem in 2-D chips, as any Stanford students who have written a term paper with their laptops on their laps know. The multi-layer design of 3-D ICs exacerbates the problem, and Mechanical Engineering Professors Ken Goodson and Tom Kenney have been working on flowing fluid through microchannels incorporated in the chips to conduct the heat away.
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We are looking for a highly motivated professional, with experience of working with people. The position is home-based. We offer a part-time position with flexible working hours. And we would be happy to consider a full-time job share candidate.
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Thank you and we are looking forward to work together in long term basis with you all.
If you are interested in our vacancies, please feel free to make contact with us for further information.
The preference is given to people with knowledge of foreign languages. If you are interested please send the following information to:
1) Full name
2) Contact phone numbers
3) Languages
4) Part time job/Full time
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
kasper giridhar
As a term, nanotechnology is clearly ambiguous. Moreover, it has already been claimed by the Drexlerians, apostles of K. Eric Drexler, who was one of the first to popularize nanotechnology with the publication of his 1987 book, Engineers of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology. According to Professor Steve Block, the Drexlerians have a futurist vision of nanotechnology in which self-replicating molecular assemblers programmed at the molecular-scale manufacture arbitrary products at the atomic level, molecule by molecule, bottom up. Some scientists have attempted to distance themselves from the futurist Drexlerians by claiming the term nanoscience. There's also another motivation for the excision of "technology" in this term. Nanoscience, as a term, captures the learning-the fundamental understanding of processes and materials at the nanoscale-that many scientists feel is necessary before or at the same time that researchers turn to engineering solutions. The term nanotechnology, on the other hand, reinforces what Chidsey describes as a "glib attitude" that "technology is the goal of science at this length scale."
The main challenge in 3-D IC design is performance-weakening heat dissipation, which is already a problem in 2-D chips, as any Stanford students who have written a term paper with their laptops on their laps know. The multi-layer design of 3-D ICs exacerbates the problem, and Mechanical Engineering Professors Ken Goodson and Tom Kenney have been working on flowing fluid through microchannels incorporated in the chips to conduct the heat away.
In your brain right now, a motor protein called kinesin is shuttling vesicles loaded with neurotransmitters to the synapses in your brain, allowing you to read this. While some researchers are trying to make similar molecular motors scoot around and throw switches on electronic chips, it's hardly certain these motors can ever do better than the electrical contacts that are routinely used today. The future of biological nanotechnology may not be clear, but what is, says Professor
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