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Re: Welcome to SI Network - Your Career, Your Country.

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Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 01:54:52PM -0500, ArcticFox wrote:
>> Uh, what the heck is this crap? I hope I'm not going to start getting 
>> spam through this list now....
>  >
>> Yup, it's spam. Someone needs to get the list off this....
> Yup, and by quoting spam and putting it back on the list, you teach
> Debian's spam filter that this wasn't spam after all.  Thanks.
> The list maintainers are in a constant battle.  If you must respond to
> spam on it, the best way is to locate the post in the archives on the
> web at http://lists.debian.org/debian-user then click on the 'report
> this as spam' link.  That teaches the filter what you want.

If you happen to live in the country where the spam originates and if
that country happens to have decent anti-spam laws, you might help to
fight spam at its roots by reporting it to the network owner and/or take
legal action.

[The trace of the mail can be seen in the full header. 'whois' and a bit
of general knowledge will tell you the owner (usually also the abuse
e-mail) of the IP, that sent the spam out. In this particular case, the
IP is and it appears to come from Bangalore, India.]

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