On 09/03/2007 12:56 AM, Paul Scott wrote:
Takehiko Abe wrote: (snip)Note that I've never had to do it myself. My /etc/fstab on a Sarge system has this entry: none /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0I will try putting this in my fstab after I send this email.But my lenny box does not have it. I don't know who mounts devpts for me on lenny (perhaps it's udev but I'm not sure.)This still leaves the mystery of how it happened and whether the fstab entry is the correct Debian solution for sid.
I suspect not, but I don't use Sid. Both my Sarge and Etch systems mount /dev/pts through startup scripts in /etc/rcS.d.
Sarge uses S02mountvirtfs, and Etch uses S04mountdevsubfs.sh. Probably there's a bug in one of Sid's startup scripts.