Re: a LaTeX question
* Richard Lyons <> [070902 06:35]:
> On Sat, Sep 01, 2007 at 07:08:11AM -0500, Russell L. Harris wrote:
>> If you do not have a copy of "A Guide to LaTeX" by Helmut Kopka &
>> Patrick W. Daly, you need to get a copy. It is by far the best LaTeX
>> book, and the only one you likely shall need. The 4th edition is the
>> latest, but the 3rd edition is the one I use, and the 3rd edition has
>> a better grade of paper. ISBN 0-201-39825-7 for the 3rd edition.
> I suppose I'll have to get a copy. This is not the first time I have
> seen that recommendation. It is just that I prefer to use online
> resources. TeX/LaTeX seems unique in lacking a good online manual.
Different people prefer different presentations. I read EVERYTHING I
could find on LaTeX (including the not-so-short-introduction), but I
still could not put the pieces together. I even purchased and read a
spiral-bound copy of Knuth's "The TeX Book". Ironically, I had run
across a copy of Kopka & Daly a year or more previously, but I had
passed it up. Not until I purchased and Kopka & Daly did I begin to
understand LaTeX as a system and develop proficiency with it. Kopka &
Daly did for me what all the other books and manuals failed to do.
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