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Re: Where and how do I install a TTF font?

On 09/02/2007 03:23 AM, Nelson A. de Oliveira wrote:
(CC me on answers, please)



Hi Nelson.

I have a PDF (http://naoliv.googlepages.com/giap.pdf) that uses a Bar25if font (http://naoliv.googlepages.com/Bar25if.ttf).

Installing it to a directory /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-barcod25 and registering it with "defoma-font reregister-all ttf-barcod25.hints" seems to work with Evince. But trying to open the PDF with xpdf, acroread or trying to print it, it doesn't work (the bar code font isn't displayed on them).

Do anybody knows what I have to do to have this font working on my system, please?

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

You might also need to do this:

mkfontscale /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype/

xset fp+ /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype/

Those commands prepare the fonts to be seen by XFree86; they'll probably work the same with Xorg.

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